
English Schools' Golf Association

Sussex County Schools' Championship

Tuesday 8th April
Chartham Park, Tees - White (Men), Red (Ladies)
H'cap Allowance: 95%

Event Information 

An English Schools Golf Association Parental Consent Form must be submitted for each Player. Entries will not be accepted without this form being completed. The form can be accessed at the following link:

DATE:              Tuesday 8th April 2025

VENUE:           Chartham Golf Club, Sussex


1. Individual medal play.

2. Team championships Nett: best 2 from 3 nett scores from each school count; 3rd score counts in the event of a tie. (This team will be the lowest 3 nett scores on the day).

3.  Team Championships Gross: best 2 from 3 gross scores from each school count; 3rd score counts in the event of a tie. (This team will be decided on the lowest 3 handicapped golfers from each school).


Please note that all competitors,

1)     Must have a Handicap Index of 30 or better. Players will be balloted out according to handicap if there are too many entries.

2)     Must be in full time education (U19 on 31 August/1 September at the beginning of the academic year)


FEE:                 £30 pp

CADDIES:        No caddies allowed

CATERING:      A variety of bar snacks and food will be available to purchase on the day.

DRESS:              Smart casual dress is allowed in the Club House. No T-shirts or track suits.

NOTE:               A teacher does not have to be present as it is being played in School Holidays. However your school must be notified that you are playing in the vent and representing them. This is the parent and children's responsibility.

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £30.00 Per Member (Required On Entry)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 9
Max Entries: 45

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